17 Nov 2023

Congratulations to Jungseob Yi and Dabin Jeong for winning the Best Poster in AI Retreat

Congratulations to Jungseob Yi and Dabin Jeong for winning the 1st and 3rd prize of Best Poster Award in 2023...

11 Nov 2022

Congratulations to Inyoung Sung and Minwoo Park for winning the Best Poster in AI Retreat

Congratulations to Inyoung Sung and Minwoo Park for winning the 2nd and 3rd prize of Best Poster Award in 2022...

20 Oct 2022

Prof. Sun Kim was granted Theragen Bioinformatics Scientist Award on 2022 Annual Conference of Korean Society Bioinformatics

Prof. Sun Kim was granted Theragen Bioinformatics Scientist Award on 2022 Annual Conference of Korean Society Bioinformatics in October 20,...

20 Oct 2022

Congratulations to Inyoung Sung for winning the Best Poster in 2022 Annual Conference of Korean Society Bioinformatics

Congratulations to Inyoung Sung for winning the Best Poster in 2022 Annual Conference of Korean Society Bioinformatics. The aims of...

29 Apr 2022

Congratulations to Minwoo Pak for winning the Best Oral Presenter Award in APBC 2022

Congratulations to Minwoo Pak for winning the Best Oral Presenter Award in APBC 2022. The Asia Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC)...

21 Apr 2022

Congratulations to Yinhua Piao and Dohoon Lee for winning the Best Poster in AI Retreat

Congratulations to Yinhua Piao and Dr. Dohoon Lee for winning the 1st and 2nd prize of Best Poster Award in...

04 Apr 2022

Prof. Sun Kim was hired as the 11th research director of MOGAM Institute for Biomedical Research today

Prof. Sun Kim was hired as the 11th research director of MOGAM Institute for Biomedical Research today. (MOGAM Institute for...

31 Mar 2022

Prof. Sun Kim was invited to serve on the IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics (TCBB) Steering Committee as an ACM representative

Prof. Sun Kim was invited to serve on the IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics (TCBB) Steering Committee as...

15 Mar 2022

Congratulation to Dr. Dohoon Lee for being selected as BK21 Four postdoctoral fellow

“Dr. Dohoon Lee” is selected as BK21 Four postdoctoral fellow in Computer Science and Engineering at Seoul National University. This...

01 Mar 2022

Minsik Oh becomes a faculty member at Myongji University

Minsik Oh joined Myongji University as assistant professor from March 1, 2022. Best wishes for his teaching and research here!...

15 Feb 2022

Congratulations to Yinhua Piao for winning the award in SAMSUNG Humantech Paper Award in 2022

Yinhua Piao’s research “Sparse Structure Learning via Graph Neural Networks for Inductive Document Classification” won the award Bronze, 3rd in...

03 Nov 2021

Prof. Sun Kim was awarded 'Ilchun Memorial Lecture' in KSMCB 2021

On November 3th, Prof. Sun Kim was awarded “Ilchun Memorial Lecture” for his lecture “Modern AI Technologies: Innovative Toolkits for...

24 Sep 2021

Ji-Hwan Moon becomes a Senior Researcher at Samsung Medical Center

Ji-Hwan Moon joined Samsung Genome Institute, Samsung Medical Center as a senior researcher from Sep, 2021. Best wishes for his...

28 Aug 2021

Congratulations to Dr.Hyeyeong Jo

Congratulations to Dr.Hyeyeong Jo who has got PhD in Bioinformatics at Seoul National University! She is now a member at...

27 Aug 2021

Congratulations to Dr.Dohoon Lee

Congratulations to Dr.Dohoon Lee who has finished his doctoral study and got PhD in Bioinformatics at Seoul National University! He...

26 Aug 2021

Congratulations to Dr.Oh

Congratulations to Dr.Minsik Oh who has finished his doctoral study and got PhD in Computer Science at Seoul National University!...

16 Jul 2021

Prof. Kim founded AlgenDrug Co. Ltd for AI-based drug discovery

Prof. Kim founded AIgenDrug Co. Ltd that will deploy and service AI-based drug discovery tools in all major steps of...

31 May 2021

Prof. Sun Kim was awarded 'Outstanding Faculty in Research' by SNU College of Engineering

Prof. Sun Kim was awarded “Outstanding Faculty in Research” by SNU College of Engineering. This award is only awarded to...

15 Jan 2021

Congratulations to Dohoon Lee for winning the award in SAMSUNG Humantech Paper Award in 2021

Dohoon Lee’s research “Deep learning reveals the general rules shaping the potential energy landscape of DNA methylation patterns”won the Encouragement...

13 Jan 2021

Prof. Sun Kim was awarded '제6회 KOREA AWARDS 공학공로대상' for his contribution to bioinformatics and AI research

사단법인 세계언론협회가 ‘제4회 세계학교폭력추방의 날’ 기념행사에서 진행하는 ‘제6회 KOREA AWARDS(대한민국 참봉사대상, 코리아 어워즈)’에서 김선 서울대 컴퓨터공학부 교수가 과학부문 ‘과학공로대상’ 수상의...